Project ONE4ALL

Project: ONE4ALL – Agile and modular cyber-physical technologies supported by data-driven digital tools to reinforce manufacturing resilience

Start: 01/01/2023 End: 31/12/2026

Project website:

Industry 5.0 Transformation

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No. 101070556

DESCRIPTION: Industry 5.0 (I5.0) provides a base for people working with robots and smart machines, leveraging advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and maximising social impacts. The EU-funded ONE4ALL project will support and encourage the transformation of manufacturing plants, especially SMEs, towards I5.0 to increase their resilience under unexpected changes in social needs. The project will employ a human- and sustainability-centred approach to develop plug-and-produce reconfigurable cyber-physical production modules; these will consist of self-reconfigurable mobile collaborative robots embedded with industrial IoT devices for real-time monitorisation and interconnectivity. The project will also implement an adaptive training programme for digital upskilling to prepare the workforce for the I5.0 transformation and fully exploit the potential of the technologies.


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is used to look at how ONE4ALL's reconfigurable cyber-physical production modules (RCPMs) affect the environment and find ways to make them more sustainable under HOLOSS leadership.
Economic feasibility and cost efficiency of the RCPMs are analysed using LCC (Life Cycle Costing) methodologies, ensuring financial optimisation by HOLOSS.
Social impacts of cyber-physical production modules are measured through s-LCA (Social Life Cycle Assessment), reinforcing sustainability integration with HOLOSS expertise.
Pseudocodes for sustainable decision-making are developed by HOLOSS to support the optimisation and integration of Industry 5.0 principles in reconfigurable production systems.