Project Proplanet

Project: PROPLANET – Enhanced Safe and Sustainable coatings for supporting the Planet

Start: 01/01/2023 End: 31/12/2025

Project website:

Industry 5.0 Transformation

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No. 101091842.

DESCRIPTION: PROPLANET addresses novel coating materials solutions, tackling the problem from a sustainable-business perspective, enabling overcoming the barriers for environmental protection, safety, chemical improvements, and circular value chains. The main goal of PROPLANET is to design and optimise 3 innovative coatings for industrial sectors: textile, food-packaging, and glass. 1)Crosslinked biopolymer oil/wax microcapsules in polysaccharide matrix (hydrophobic, olephobic bio-based coating) 2) Hybrid siloxane biobased coating (non-stick and anticorrosion protection bio-based hybrid coating) 3) Hybrid siloxane coating (anti-soiling (AS) anti-reflecting (AR) hybrid coating). The value chain of each product is optimised from the raw material source to End-of-Life (EoL) of products, ensuring the circular economy. All coatings are designed based on Safe and Sustainable by design (SSbD) concepts and optimised with mathematical computational tools such as first-principles-based models, in silico models, environmental fate models, and sustainability assessment. On top of that, replication activities aided by a powerful PROPLANET Replication tool based on data-driven algorithms and multiobjective optimization (MO) will promote the integration of the novel coatings in different applications, supporting their route to market, operating at different conditions, and following an Eco-design thinking. A well-balanced consortium, covering all actors in the, formed by end-users, technology solution providers and research organizations, ensures the successful achievement of objectives, which will allow a wide-spreading replication strategy towards efficient and safe designs for new coatings.